Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Stuff I like doing......

There are lots of things on my 'to do' or 'to learn' list and one such things was swimming. I have been thinking about learning swimming once again and this time properly since a long time now. Earlier, I had classes to go to, exams to write and had to study in the evening.. so I decided that once I finish majority of my exams.. the first thing that I would do is find a swim school and join them.

Last August, after I had passed most of the exams and had just one more to go in December, I joined swimming classes. I did not have fear for water as my Dad used to take me to swimming pool when I was 6-7 years old. He used to buy us floating tubes and we used to go at 5AM to Sadashivnagar swimming pool. This way, I never feared water, or did not have any reservations about swimming.

When I was in school, I pestered my Mom to send me to summer swimming classes. It was a 15 day crash course, which I absolutely loved. My Mom was not very happy after the 15 day class, as I had a very bad tan! Moreover, I was colourful, parts of my body was lighter, so if I had my ears covered with swimming hat, the ears were lighter and my face was darker.. Mom was worried, so she decided that swimming was not a good idea.. ! That is one downside of outdoor swimming pools, and not knowing that one should use sun screen lotions does not help either.. !

But, here its awesome, since its a indoor pool (swimming pool would freeze, if it were outdoor), and moreover my swimming tutor is excellent. I have managed to learn, front crawl(commonly known as freestyle), back stroke and now I am learning breast stroke.

Its also an excellent exercise as every part of the body is used, I feel really nice after an hour of swimming. Swimming not only uses the legs and hands, but also is a good exercise for the lungs, as breathing while swimming is not easy..

I thoroughly enjoy swimming and hope to continue to practise it atleast once a week..