Sunday, 25 January 2009

Haircut.. :)

I have been thinking of getting my hair chopped from the past few weeks..but could not get hold of my favorite hairdresser. Apparently, she has gone on maternity leave, which seems to me like a big lie as I met her 3 months back, and there was no evident proof that she was pregnant. I have a strong feeling she has left that parlour and they are telling customers that she is pregnant.. Liars ! I had found her after a huge search,after a lot of trial and errors, but have lost her now.. She was a sweet Latvian girl, with a beautiful smile. I used to love talking to her while she worked on my hair and she was very good in what she did. She used to also give me handy advice as to how to look after my hair, how to style it etc..

A week ago, I told MR that I feel like getting my hair chopped as a part of a general conversation.. and from that day.. every weekend he has been following up.. He asks me once on Saturday and again on Sunday.. He is more excited than me.. he was suggesting me to get my hair cut short and change my hairstyle and has been showing me various hairstyles on the web...

So after all this, I finally decided to get it cut and booked an appointment for Sunday.. in a parlour a few blocks away from home, recommended by my friend who had been there a few months ago.. And on Saturday.. I feel that my hair looks great and start questioning myself... do I really need a haircut..??

I finally go for it.. I get my hair cut really short.. I have not had hair so short since since college.. so it feels cool.. Its really short.. just a few inches below my ear... I look different and I am loving it.. The only thing I am worried about it is maintaining this hairdo.. as it might need extensive blow-drying and hair straightening.. which I hate doing especially when I have to rush to work in the morning.

Lets see how it goes...


Anonymous said...

I wants to see your short hair....NOW!! Pliss to be sending pic :)

...and about your hairdresser? Bwahahahhah :D that is so funny :D

SR said...

Hey M.. will upload a picture somtime soon..

Pretty Woman said...

I want to see your hot new hairstyle too!! :)

SR said...

@Pretty Woman..
Sure.. will email you a picture.. sometime soon.. :)