Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Hailing from the south of India, I have always loved Coffee (commonly known as Kaapi in many south Indian Languages). Every morning Amma used to make up light kaapi because as kids, all three of us hated milk and still do. So, just to change the colour of milk from white to brown, she used to add a little liquidated filtered coffee into it. Amma had tried various drinks like horlicks, Maltova, Complain etc..but nothing had worked like Coffee as none of us complained. So, at a very early age I was introduced to Coffee and developed a taste for it.
Every morning, I woke up, brushed my teeth and then went into the kitchen, helped myself with a cup of hot coffee made by Amma and waited for my turn to have a bath before I went to school, college or anywhere. Also, in the meantime, would read through the English newspaper (mainly adverts ). We were not allowed to step out of the house without a morning bath.. Now.. That’s what I call discipline.. !

Eventually, I was old enough to make coffee for myself. I used to try to alter the proportions of milk, sugar and the filter coffee liquid. I realised that it tasted much better with little milk, more filter coffee liquid, in short strong coffee. But Amma did not like the idea of her kids drinking strong coffee as it was not healthy and I agree with her completely, so she avoided situations where she let me make coffee. That was tasty filter coffee with chicory in it. I had enjoyed coffee everywhere, from Coffee house on MG road, to coffee days, from the self service darshini’s to good restaurants.

The love for my coffee continued even when I came to London. But the coffee’s here did not taste as good as Amma’s coffee, the coffee’s here are very bitter and some of them are disgusting. Eventually, I realised that the real coffee is actually bitter and back home they actually add chicory to coffee to make it taste better. I also learnt that chicory is banned here and what we see in London is one hundred percent coffee. The fact that coffee was bitter, did not stop me from having it… I slowly developed a taste for it and today coffee is become a part of my life, a part of my daily routine. I love the smell of fresh coffee, and whenever I pass across a coffee shop I am tempted to have one. This is not a good temptation as there are lots of coffee shops in London, and when its chill outside and you smell fresh coffee being brewed somewhere close to you.. all you want to do is.. have a nice hot cappuccino or a nice hot Mocha. Although, I should say, that I am in the verge of getting addicted to coffee and I make conscious effort to stop drinking too much as its not good for health and can disrupt sleeping patterns and has many more side effects. But it works wonders when one has had a heavy meal in the afternoon, and have to spend the rest of the afternoon working. It helps you survive the afternoon quite well…
Three cheers to coffee.. I love you.. !


Pretty Woman said...

Lovely post! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your obvious passion for coffee :). As a matter of fact, I do remember you bringing a jar of coffee powder from home, when we worked together...though there was a vending machine there! i know why! :)

SR said...

Yes.. you are absolutely right.. Me and sho used to have it together.. :)