Thursday, 22 January 2009


is a magical city.. I absolutely love London and dread leaving this city... It has its own advantages.. but over the long term has its own dis-advantages... That's another blog all by itself..

But.. Living in London for such a long time.. has taught me a lot of lessons.. a lot of values in life.. I am and have enjoyed my stay here and will cherish it.. I am a better person today.. personally, professionally.. I owe a lot to this city and the people here..

I sometimes complain about the tubes, trains, people.. etc.. but honestly... I am just being silly.. the transport system and the connections within London is excellent. Every city I visit convinces me of the fact that London underground is the best.. I have been to various places in America and a few places in Europe. Some of the biggest and the most famous cities like New York and Paris.. Honestly.. London is the best!

I/We love walking on the bank of Thames.. on a nice pleasant/warm night.. love to stroll around the banks of River Thames near the tower bridge (often called by mistake as the London Bridge.. but its called the tower bridge..Home of the Kohinoor diamond).. The broad pathway is beautifully lit up, the bridge is lit up completely.. and there is so much peace and the place is tranquil... here is a picture of one such nights when we went for a stroll...

The other monument of London I can stare at for hours is the 'Big Ben'. I don't know why, but I love looking at the Big Ben. There's something about the Big Ben that it catches my attention completely everytime I see it. It looks even better in the evenings with the lights.... One more picture below...

London has and will always be my magical city... I am in Love with this city.. !


Pretty Woman said...

I LOVE London too....totally agree! I didn't know you were moving? where to?

SR said...

No, I am not planning to move now.. I was thinking about it yesterday.. as to how I would feel.. if we think of moving back to India out of choice someday?
Thats all.. its not in the cards right now.. :)

Anonymous said...

I totally understand the feeling. You grow an attachment to the place you live in and believe that everything else pales in comparison :) Its the most beautiful feeling too :)

I hope I get to see London some day... :)

SR said...

I am sure you will... and you are welcome to come and stay with me..:) Would love to have you both here.. :)