Friday, 30 January 2009

Reality shows.. are they real..?? so not.. true..!

Lately, we have been watching some of the reality shows in both Indian channels and some English channels.. like BBC.. etc..

Its quite sad that some of our Indian reality shows don't look like reality shows.. The judges seem to have rehearsed their lines many many times before they deliver it.. some of the judges are actors/actresses who we see in movies..after all the experience they have in big screens..why do they goof up..?? Why cant they deliver their so called 'real dialogues' with some reality..??

To me it looks like a well scripted drama.. where there is a script writer who hands the scripts to each of the judges.. who then.. just play their part in the small screen..

But.. the English channels don't have these dramas in their shows.... its a fact.. I have nothing against Indian channels and I think by having these reality shows, a lot of young talent is being recognised.. and also being appreciated. But all I ask for is a pinch of reality..

The only one reality show that I still appreciate is KBC... since AB was fantastic...
Anyways.. this is what I think, and how I feel about the reality shows.. I might be biased, might not be.. or might have got the complete wrong end of the stick.. But this is just how I feel.. and I think this is the best place to write about how I feel...

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