Wednesday, 14 January 2009

What can I say.. ?

One of my good friends told me long back when I was having a rant at someone and it has stayed with me since then..

"Some people teach you what to do, some people teach you what not to do"

Some kids these days shock me.. Some kids surprise me with their behaviour...

I don't know what others used to think of us, my brother, sister and me when we were kids when it comes to our behaviour. But we were given clear instructions about how to behave when we went to others homes/houses/parties/places. We could not behave like careless kids, were not allowed to jump on sofas, beds, cots or even speak loudly and screaming would land us in big trouble. We were not allowed to demand anything from the host's kids, even the toys they had that we did not have, or even simple things like eating in moderation. Cleanliness being one of the biggest, my mom being a clean freak, always made sure that we did not get messy with our food.

I really admire my mom for teaching us good behaviour and keeping us in check. Some parents these days just don’t have it! The child is more like a parent, and the child rules the parents. This is no joke, this is a serious problem and I think a lot of parents are responsible for it and honestly it should be the other way round. Parents should be able to govern their children, to be able to tell them what they are doing wrong and stand by it, smack them if need be. Some parents don’t do it and as a result, the child does what it likes.

In the last few years especially after I have come to London, I have observed quite a few number of children. Back home, I did not have too much to do with kids as none of my friends had kids and I was the youngest in the family. Some of the common tantrums kids throw at parents are as follows which absolutely annoy me, but also suggests me ‘what I should not do with my kids when I have them

 Its dinnertime and the kid says its not hungry, why because, it has been eating loads of crap all through out the day and does not like rice, dhal, subji dinner. The parents force it to eat, the kid does not even taste the food but says ‘its too spicy for me’ and refuses to eat. The parents don’t know what to do…so they tell the kid… 'then go to the kitchen and get what you like which is not spicy'. Feeling happy, it goes and brings a muffin and devours it ! - This means to say, that the child is hungry, but does not want to eat the normal dinner, but wants to eat all other rubbish and parents just don’t get it!

 Parents visit a friends house who has a kid of similar age, both parents chat and leave the kids to play, its probably normal for kids to jump on beds, make noise, scream, shout and play. After a considerable long time, the parents decide to leave as they need to go to work the following morning and the kids have school too. The guests call their kid and say that they have to leave and the kid refuses to go with them, it starts to cry, moan etc. After about 20 mins, they are still there convincing the kid that they have to leave for xyz reasons. What annoyed me the most, was that.. after a little while, they had to offer incentives like, I will take you shopping, I will buy you this that and the other, come lets go home. Me is thinking.. ‘Come on…! Who is the parent, who needs to convince whom here.. ! I don’t get it.. and the parents don’t get it either!

I have many more of such scenarios, but this post is going to be awfully long if I recite them here. But honestly, I cannot understand a parent’s mentality, I cannot understand how can one so weak in love that they don’t teach their kids values like general behaviour & respect elders and disciplines like having a healthy eating/sleeping pattern, cleanliness, importance of having a bath everyday.
When confronted some parents with these, they were blunt enough to say ‘we will see what you will do when you have kids’…
Oh well.. I now surely know.. what I should not do for sure…. 

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