I used to wonder earlier on, why people in this country crave for sunshine, why does every conversation begin and end with weather. Why people go crazy when the sun is out. Why people hang around outside the pubs in summer? Why do the news channels talk about weather every hour or every half hour? Why does everyone start to wear fewer clothes with the slightest sight of sun or rise in temperature?
But, I know realise the importance of sunshine in life. I had taken the sunlight for granted back home; infact most times avoided the sunlight and craved for the monsoon season or post monsoon season. Post monsoon (Sept-Jan) is my all time favourite back in Bangalore.
Having been in London for about 6 years now has made me realise the importance of daylight. I feel there is much more to a day and lot of time after work. It makes a lot of difference to my thinking and behaviour. It’s really a pleasure to come home after work and look out of my kitchen window and actually being able to see my garden without switching on lights. Leave all the curtains open to get some natural light into my home and not fearing that it’s going to get cold if curtains are left open.
Simple pleasures of life that make a difference, that we often take you for granted.
whoever wants sunlight should come and live in chennai. I am more than glad to exchange places :)
Hey Vasu...
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